Monday 3 April 2023


Rådande or löfjerskor are tree spirits in Swedish faerie mythology, similar to the dryads and hamadryads of Greek and Roman mythology.  The creature appears as swirl of branches that erupt for the ground that coalesce into a roughly humanoid shape. 

Ferocity: No. of PCs−1 (min. 1) Size: Normal

Movement: 24 Armor:4 — HP: 24

Tree Stride: The Rådande steps into a nearby tree and emerge from another tree within range, allowing them to quickly move across the battlefield or even escape from danger with out attracting free attacks.

Weak Spot:  On a successful MYTHS & LEGENDS players would know that Rådande are tied to a tree with in the forest where they live.  A successful BUSHCRAFT roll would be required to identify this tree.




1 Natures Wrath: The forest comes to the Rådande's aid and enacts one of the improvised acts as per the cards except that they may all be dodged.  Roll a d6 or choose the most appropriate

    1. Low Branch

    2. Wasp Nest

    3. Gnarled Root

    4. Boulder

    5. Viper

    6. Patch of Dirt

2 Entangle: The Rådande causes the plants and roots in the area to grow and entangle enemies, making them immobile or difficult to move.  This has same effect as a power level 2 ensnaring root and covers  area with 6m diameter from the Rådande which becomes difficult terrain in which any range weapon takes a bane.

3 Charm Person: The Rådande sprouts beautiful roses all over its body, the scent of these petals has the same effect as the spell Dominate at power level 2 to anyone with in 2m of the Rådande .  Anyone who has made efforts to block there olfactory senses get a boon. to there WIL power roll.

4 Root Rampart: The Rådande creates a rampart of roots and vines that sprout from the ground, creating an barrier between the Rådande and its enemies. The barrier created is 10m long and 5 m high and has 8hp and an armour rating of 3.

5 Fungal Spores: The Rådande releases a cloud of spores that infect anyone within 10m with a faye fungus.  This acts like Sleeping Poison of potency 12.

6 Photosynthesis: The Rådande draws energy from the sun and grows a single bloom that quickly bursts with an intense glow.  Any one with in 10m must make a CON test or be temporarily blinded for 1d4 rounds (doubled on a demon).  The Rådande  and any nearby allies regain 1d8 HP from the energy omitted.

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