Sunday 8 January 2023

Dragon Braaaaaiiiiiinnnnnsss

 As part of my #Dungeon23 efforts I needed some stats for Zombies for Dragonbane.  Taking inspiration from this post  I decide to knock together both individual non monster "Variant Zombies" and a "Zombie Horde" monster loosely modelled on the harpy

Here is what I came up with

Bog Standard Zombie

Movement: 4 HP: 8 (or as per when living) Size: Normal
Typical Weapons:   Claw(8) 1d6 Slashing,  Bite(10) 1d8 Piercing
Skills:  Awareness 4


Non-monster: fights as a NPC
Undead fortitude:  If a blow reduces a zombie to zero hit points or it is already on zero hit points then a roll against the amount of damage taken is made on a d20.  Below the number means the zombie is "dead" otherwise it fights on.

Immunities: Poison, Fear


if you wish to spice these zombies up a bit then here are some suggested variations

d6  Variation
1    Fast: Skills: Movement 14,  Awareness 12, Evade 14 Dmg Bonus: + 1d4 AGL
2    Virulent:  Bite(12) 1d8 + virulence 10 necroplague(see below)  
3    Ichor:  Zombie is flammable.  If set a light attacks do an addition 1d6 damage.  The zombie takes 1d6 damage per round.
4    Bloater:   HP 16:  Size: Large:  Dmg Bonus +1d6 STR Claw(12) 1d8 Bludgeoning.  On death explodes for 2d6 Piercing damage to anyone with in 4m
5    Hungry: Any damage the the zombie inflicts with its bite heals that same zombie by the same amount
6    Double Trouble: roll twice

Zombie Horde

Ferocity: 1 / 2 zombies (round up)  Size:  Swarm Movement: 4 Armour: - HP: 6/Zombie

Monster Attacks

d6    Attack  

1-2    Overwhelm:  the Zombie horde overwhelm anyone with in 2m.  Each victim takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked down.

3-4    Bite:  One of the zombies attempts to feast on a single victim.  The victim suffers 1d10 Piercing damage and is exposed to a virulence 10 Necroplague

5-6    Tackle:  The zombie's attack a single victim knocking him down.  He receives 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is grappled.  Breaking free requires a successful Strength roll (counts as an action, other can help) or an attack that inflicts 6 points of damage on the Zombie Horde.


As per the standard rules except you only take HP damage on the first failed roll and there after each failed roll applies a condition in the following order scared, exhausted, dazed, angry, disheartened and then finally the victim perishes and becomes a zombie.  (They retain there HP and gain a variation per Heroic ability they have)

Optional:  To make healing harder a success against the disease only removes one condition.  To heal the disease all conditions must be removed.

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